Research Team

This site has been developed as part of a larger research project studying animal protection work and policy in Canada and internationally. The project is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and led by Dr. Kendra Coulter.

The site is intended to evolve over time, and animal protection involves a broader set of strategies, programs, and policies. Any suggested additions or corrections should be sent to:

At this time it focuses on settler-colonial laws and legal systems.

Dr. Kendra Coulter

Dr. Kendra Coulter is Professor in Management and Organizational Studies at Huron University College at Western University. She is a fellow of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics and a member of the Royal Society of Canada’s College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists.

Dr. Amy Fitzgerald

Dr. Amy Fitzgerald is a Co-Investigator and Professor in the department of sociology, anthropology, and criminology at the University of Windsor. She contributes to the The Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research (GLIER) and co-leads the Animal and Interpersonal Abuse Research Group.

Daphne Brouwer is a PhD student in cultural studies at Queen’s University.

Brittany Campbell is a PhD student in sociology at Carleton University.

Niamh Carey has a BA from Huron University College at Western University in sociology and criminology.

Curtis Morrison has a BA in labour studies and political science from Brock University.

Bridget Nicholls is a PhD student in sociology at the University of Windsor.

Site designed by Valerie Croft and maintained by Roman Naghshi.