New Brunswick

Key legislation

Local Governance Act

Pet Establishment Regulation

General Regulation

Horse/Pony Haul Regulation



Companion animals, farm animals & wildlife 

To report animal abuse, neglect, or an animal in distress, call the NB SPCA at 1-877-722-1522.  The NB SPCA works on cases of animal protection involving farmed animals and companion animals.

Wildlife concerns should be directed to the New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources. Contact 506-453-3826. Learn more. 

Investigations and Enforcement

The NB SPCA employs both full time and part-time Animal Protection Officers and Inspectors as the sole organization responsible for investigating and enforcing federal and provincial laws pertaining to animals in New Brunswick.

There are currently twelve full-time Animal Protection Officers and 10 part-time/contract Animal Protection/Dog Control Officers, all of whom work remotely.


Data from the NBSPCA. Convictions in 2008: 4. Convictions in 2009: 2. Convictions in 2010: 3. Convictions in 2011: 2. Convictions in 2012: 1. Convictions in 2013: 4. Convictions in 2014: 6. Year: 2015. Calls: 2129. Complaints investigated: 261. Criminal files: 23. Owners Educated: 617. Convictions: 9. Year: 2016: Complaints investigated: 520. Convictions: 18. 2017. Convictions: 11. 2018. Calls: 3327. Convictions: 11. 2019. Calls: preliminary results - 3264. Convictions: 15.

Information compiled from NBSPCA

Data from New Brunswick SPCA. Year: 2019. Animal protection calls: 2075. Animal control calls: 1189. Court files: 34. Warrants executed: 10. Year: 2018. Animal protection calls: 2227. Animal control calls: 1207. Court files: 26. Warrants executed: 14. Year: 2017. Court files: 14. Warrants executed: 6.

Information compiled from NBSPCA


Nathalie Lajoie - Crown Prosecutor

Crown Prosecutor
Has presented at the Canadian Animal Cruelty Prosecution Conference in 2019.

Woodstock, New Brunswick
Phone : (506) 453-2819


Human-Animal Wellbeing and Supports

The NBVMA operates a program called Safe Pets Too.  Veterinarians provide temporary shelter and veterinary care for pets of women involved in interpersonal violence and concerned about the safety of their animals.  The program offers a maximum of 30 days sheltering and began operating in 2011.  Services provided are for animals such as cats and dogs, and to large animals on a case-by-case basis.

Low-cost Spay and Neuter Program

The program assists low-income families with spaying and neutering their cats and dogs. Costs to the owner are $30 per cat and $50 per dog. The following SPCAs or Humane Societies take part in the program.

  • The Fredericton SPCA
  • The Victoria County SPCA
  • Oromocto and Area SPCA
  • Charlotte County SPCA
  • DunRoamin’ Stray Rescue

Elder Dogs Canada works to keep seniors together with their animals as long as possible with volunteers help with daily care tasks.   Free services offered include:

  • Support with acquiring food and feeding
  • Assistance with animal grooming and care
  • Minor grooming such as nail clipping or help with brushing
  • Transportation to and from vet or groomer
  • Temporary care during hospitalization

Elder Dogs operates in Fredericton, New Brunswick.

The Kibble Pet Food Bank was established by the Oromocto & Area SPCA.