Additional Resources & Research
Defending Animals
Defending Animals (The MIT Press, 2023) is available for purchase at major bookstores and online retailers

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Additional Resources
- Brouwer, D., Coulter, K. and Fitzgerald, A. “Animal Protection Organizations and Public Policy: The Case of the Netherlands” in the open-access journal Politics & Animals.
- Coulter, K. “The Organization of Animal Protection Investigations and the Animal Harm Spectrum: Canadian Data, International Lessons” in the open-access scholarly journal Social Sciences.
- Coulter, K. Nichols, B. and Fitzgerald, A. “Animal Protection: Organizational Constraints and Collaborative Opportunities” in the open-access Journal of Community Safety & Wellbeing.
- Coulter, K. and Fitzgerald, A. “Difference Makers: Understanding and Improving the OSPCA’s Animal Cruelty Investigations Work” Note that the OSPCA is no longer responsible for investigations in Ontario. This report is from 2016.
- Coulter, K and Fitzgerald, A. “The Compounding Feminization of Animal Cruelty Investigations Work and Its Multispecies Implications” in the scholarly journal Gender, Work, and Organization. Note that the OSPCA is no longer responsible for investigations in Ontario. This academic study extends from research completed in 2015-16.
- Coulter, K and Campbell, B. “Public Investment in Animal Protection Work: Data from Manitoba, Canada.”
- Rault, D. “Occupational health and safety among officers who enforce animal laws in the Province of Alberta (Canada): An examination of the risks and rewards.” PhD dissertation.
Select open-access international resources
- Rodriguez Ferrere, M., King, M, and Mros Larsen, L. “Animal Welfare in New Zealand: Oversight, Compliance, and Enforcement”
- Shih, H. Y., Paterson, M. B. A., and Phillips, C. J. C. “A Retrospective Analysis of Complaints to RSPCA Queensland, Australia, about Dog Welfare”